Mauna Loa Estates Road Maintenance, Inc
Mauna Loa Estates Road Maintenance, Inc. (MLERMI for short) is a nonprofit corporation formed in 1995 for the sole purpose of maintaining roads and street signs in the Mauna Loa Estates subdivision, Volcano, Hawaii. The approximately 12 miles of roads in the subdivision are private and not maintained by the County. They provide access to about 950 lots, most 1/2 acre in size. (**See last paragraph for more road information.)
Membership is automatic for the owner of each lot and is required by law. Members pay a yearly assessment for road maintenance, including paving, fixing potholes, repair of signs and (where applicable) mowing the unpaved shoulder along each side of the road. The assessment is obligatory and currently $126 per lot, payable to Mauna Loa Estates Road Maintenance. An owner of multiple lots pays a separate assessment for each lot owned.
An Annual Meeting of the members is held in March of each year to elect a Board of Directors and conduct business. The time and place are announced in the Annual Newsletter and also under the Annual Meeting tab, above. Attendance is encouraged. Issues affecting you will be voted on.
Paving and repairs each year are limited to the funds at hand. Not all needs can be addressed in any given year. The Board of Directors surveys all roads each calendar year and decides priorities. Based on need, the Board may increase the annual assessment by up to 10% of current value. Increases exceeding 10% are subject to a vote of the membership.
** Jade and Ruby avenues are 40 ft. wide with the central 20 ft. paved. Pearl Avenue is 40 ft. wide with the central 16 ft. paved. Numbered streets are 30 ft. wide with the central 10-16 ft. paved. The unpaved grassy or vegetated shoulders on either side of the pavement remain public rights of way, including those fronting individual lots. Please do not place obstacles such as rocks, logs, potted plants, etc. on the road's shoulder as they become potential liability issues for the entire community.
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